Monday, May 18, 2009


I enjoy photographing portraits.
Expressions can be really natural and funny sometimes.
A simple body movements and gestures can easily grab my attention.
You will noticed that most of my protrait works are my closest friend.
Maybe someone that I really admire.
Have fun looking at all those funny faces :)

Czech Republic - Prague.

Went to Prague with a bunch of friends, we got really cheap Ryan air tickets.
Prague is such a lovely and peaceful place to live but not for me.
I prefer busy city than a quiet one.
Spent a big amount in visiting places especially those palaces and of course food.
The local dumpling was nice, but I ate too much and felt a bit disgusting.
Have a look at those pictures and uploaded.
For those haven't been to Czech Republic, pretty sure that you will like this place.


Fifth time visiting London and still admires this city.
Although it looks really busy from day to night, I prefer busy city life.
Love all the palaces especially Tower of London.
Get to explore a lot on the British history and also King Henry.
Shopping time at Oxford Circus of course, best place ever to shop.
Basically, everything was good except the hotel.
So awful service and distracting environment.
Overall, a very meaningful trip :)


Pay a visit to Manchester during the Easter break.
I've got friends over there, so it would be easier for me to look around the place.
Went to the famous Stretford Stadium and it looks really cool.
But couldn't visit the indoor stadium because there was a match the day after.
Food were so tasty, I mean the Asian food.
It costs really cheap and worth it.
At least, it is better than Birmingham.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey people,

I'm currenly a Year 2 media student studying in Birmingham City University (BCU). The purpose of creating this page is to built up my confidence in photography area and keep improving my skills. I love capturing things around me such as portrait, travel photography, buildings, every this and that could easily caught my attention. Feel free to browse through the page as I will keep updating my work. I hope you guys enjoy looking at every piece of work by me. Good day.
